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    People also ask about Blue Flag Manga

    Is blue flag manga finished

    Yes Ao No Flag manga is finished, it has 54 chapters

    Is blue flag manga good

    absolutely, blue flag is a Good manga and worth reading.
    The tone of this series is comparable to that of stories like Kids on the Slope.

    Is blue flag manga sad

    You imagine a tangled love triangle in which "Boy likes Girl, but Girl likes Other Boy," but the story is so much more than that, much like Kids on the Slope.

    Blue flag manga what is it about

    The plot follows Taichi Ichinose, a third-year student who is enlisted by a classmate, Futaba Kuze, to assist her in her attempt to begin dating his childhood buddy Touma Mita, who is one of the most popular boys at school. However, there are two issues...

    Blue flag manga ending explained

    The endgame coupling surprised me, but I suppose the author didn't want to go down the traditional road of a happy ever after for a guy and a girl as their best friend watches over them from afar.

    What type of manga is Blue Flag?

    Ao No Flag is a Drama Romance Slice

    Blue flag manga how many chapters

    Blue Flag chapters: 54

    Blue flag manga how many volumes

    Blue Flag Manga Volumes: 8